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Curtis Loves Movies [2018] FILM


Won't You Be My Neighbor? [2018] * * * * *


This movie made me realize that for most of my adult life I've been aspiring to be Mr. Rogers.

The movie shows he has flaws (a bout of homophobia), but as an example of a human who sincerely tried to better others and the world, he's gotta be near the top of the list.

Also, I want to buy all of his songs and listen to them on my walks.

(This has nothing to do with the movie itself: but doesn't the all caps and increasing font size on the poster make the title question seem a bit menacing?)




Curtis Loves Movies [2018] FILM


Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon [2006] * * *


I wish I liked this movie more than I do. I think it's the direction that doesn't work for me. Script is good, actors fine, but anytime the movie abandons the documentary conceit, the quality drops significantly.

Oh, and what's up with that mask? So goofy looking.

I don't know if the director never saw a horror movie in his life, but he has no idea how to use framing or movement to create tension. His approach is simply to throw in a bunch of out of place crane and dolly moves. "Hey everyone, look, it's a real movie!"

Just imagine how amazing this would have been if the end was genuinely tense and scary. Such a bummer. But what does work is strong enough that I like it, and like that it exists.

(By the way, check out the documentary "Dreams on Spec" for a look at how shitty the writer of the screenplay was treated by the director.)




jmunky [2018] FILM


Tau [2018] * *


You would be hard-pressed to find a more dimwitted mad scientist.




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